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We believe that success begins with the right people. Our expertise lies in deeply understanding organizational needs and creating a precise match between role requirements and top talent – efficiently and without compromise.

Sunny Fuks, CEO of Compie Pro

Sunny Fuks, CEO of Compie Pro

Technological Recruitment

In today’s fast-paced world, tech recruitment goes beyond filling roles – it’s about shaping your company’s future. At Compie, we excel in swift, precise, and high-quality recruitment. Leveraging advanced technology, extensive databases, and deep expertise, we find the perfect fit for your organization. Let us handle recruitment, so you can focus on innovation and growth.

Juniors Talents

A proven methodology for integrating talented juniors into teams, ensuring productivity from the first moment. Unique screening of talents, full tailoring to the client, personal training by our academy, and assimilation by our experts.

Integrated Teams

Build productive teams that combine senior-level employees and talented juniors. A proven solution that provides quality work and increases efficiency: The senior employees develop the complex features, and fulfill themselves by training the juniors. The juniors bring the team hunger, motivation, and investment.

End-to-end R&D

Establishment of a full R&D team in a short time by our experts for the initial boost alongside the recruitment of seniors and juniors. Proven methodology that ensures quality delivery in a short time.

Our Perception

Recruiting technological talents is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of the job market, unique skills, and advanced working methods – which are not always available within the organization. At Compie, we provide top-tier technological outsourcing solutions, tailored to the unique needs of each organization. With a team of experienced experts and an extensive network of connections, we bring you the highest-quality talent – with minimal effort on your part.
Our Perception

Junior Talents

A proven methodology for integrating talented juniors into teams that ensures productivity from the first moment. Unique screening of talents, full tailoring to the client, personal training by our academy, and assimilation by our experts.
Junior Talents

Added Value

  • Our Added Value - At Compie, we don’t just recruit employees, we become true partners, bringing added value that changes the game.

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  • Tailored to Your Needs - We don’t use templates. We take the time to understand your needs, culture, and vision, ensuring a perfect fit for your organization.

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  • Time and Resource Savings- Thanks to our expertise and advanced tools, we manage the entire recruitment process with maximum efficiency.

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  • Access to Top Talent- With our wide network and advanced filtering methods, we bring you the talent you won’t find elsewhere.

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  • Personal Support - We support you and the new hire throughout onboarding and their entire employment period, ensuring satisfaction and engagement.

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  • Your Success is Our Success - We help you build your dream team with personalized service, proven results, and a commitment to your values. We’re here to take you forward.

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